1.1.2. Globals

The Request object presents these readonly properties as copies of the PHP superglobals:

  • array $cookies: A copy of $_COOKIE.

  • array $files: A copy of $_FILES.

  • array $input: A copy of $_POST, or a json_decode()d array from the content body (see below).

  • array $query: A copy of $_GET.

  • array $server: A copy of $_SERVER.

You can work with them the same as you would with any readonly array:

// get the `?q=` value, defaulting to an empty string
$searchTerm = $request->query['q'] ?? ''; JSON Decoding

The $_POST superglobal is populated by PHP when it can decode the content body as application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data. However, it is often the case that content bodies are JSON encoded instead.

Thus, as a convenience, if the Request content-type is application/json, then $request->input will be an array computed by applying json_decode() to the content body. Custom Values

You can provide alternative or custom values via the $globals constructor parameter:

$request = new Request(
    globals: [
        '_COOKIE' => [...],
        '_FILES' => [...],
        '_GET' => [...],
        '_POST' => [...],
        '_SERVER' => [...],

Any values not present in the $globals constructor parameter will be provided by the existing superglobal.